Our depth of knowledge is strengthened by our team of diverse and knowledgeable staff.
We believe that sharing different opinions and experiences leads to new and innovative solutions. As an industry leader, we collaborate with various organizations to ensure that extended and individual producer responsibility (IPR) frameworks are developed across Canada and the United States. Our efficiency in managing the tire recycling supply chain is demonstrated by the fact that we have maintained price stability and are still within the average tire recycling fee range when compared to similar agencies across Canada.
The implementation of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA) ushered in Individual Producer Responsibility (IPR) in 2019. As the only not-for-profit tire PRO, we value the trust our customers place in us to make decisions that support the integrity of their brand while managing their tire recycling obligations.
It takes a strong network of service providers to reduce waste and support a more circular economy. To this end, we are committed to maintaining and forging partnerships with collection sites, haulers and processors to ensure every available used tire in the province is recycled.